Cozmic Crew- The “Numbers”

Here it is, the first installment of the Cozmic Crew.  Today, I’ll be focusing on those groups that start with a number (you’ll see what I mean).  My goal here is simple- to give you enough information to make checking out these musicians a priority, just a basic tease and how to find them.  I’m also going to mention my personal favorite song from each artist, and provide links to explore their music.  Your job is simple- find some of these musicians that you can easily fall in love with, and then go out and buy their music!  This list means nothing if we don’t all do our best to support these artists in any way possible.


11:95 pm

Hometown: Unknown  Style: Experimental     Coz’s Pick: “Plasticized Communication”

Testing the limits of technology in music, 11:95 pm takes you on a wild aural journey, with multiple layers of great guitars, synths and vocals reminiscent of ’80’s progressive rock.   A modern day Pink Floyd, exploring the boundaries of sound and harmony.

Social Media: Twitter (@1195pm), Facebook

Music available on Spotify, YouTube, Soundcloud



2nd Mouse

Hometown: Ireland    Style: Experimental EDM  Coz’s Pick: “Out Of My Control”

A little trance mixed with a lot of EDM, which gets thrown into the experimental beaker and given a good swirl.  That’s the best way to describe 2nd Mouse.  Layer upon layer of melodies, counter melodies, beats and counter beats make this really fun to listen to.  This is not your typical EDM!

Social Media:  Twitter (@The2ndMOUSE), Facebook


Music available on Spotify, YouTube, Soundcloud



3 Bricks Shy

Hometown: Overland Park, KS   Style: Folk Rock   Coz’s Pick: “I Love To Boogie”

This is the kind of music you want to play at a big family reunion or backyard barbeque, fun music for all ages.  The perfect blend of acoustic and electric storytelling in every song.  The dance floor will fill up quickly when 3 Bricks Shy is playing!

Social Media:  Twitter (@3BricksShyBand), Facebook


Music available on Spotify, YouTube, Reverbnation, Soundcloud



3D In Your Face  

Hometown: Omaha, NE.  Style: Glam Metal   Coz’s Pick: “Forbidden City”

Crank up the volume for this Midwest metal hair band.  Some punk undertones really make this high energy and fun.  Incredible guitar work throughout their catalog, with classic metal vocals and a great party feel.

Social Media: Twitter (@3Dinyourface1), Facebook


Music available on Spotify, Reverbnation, YouTube, Soundcloud


53 Across

Hometown: Tularosa, MN   Style: Blues Rock   Coz’s Pick: “Don’t Tell Me The Blues Are Dead”

There’s a big throwback feel to 53 across, which takes you back to a time when Deep Purple and Bachman Turner Overdrive were filling the airwaves with no frills blues rock.  This is not overproduced commercial garbage, but rather a basic and raw sound that pays great tribute to some of the legends of yesteryear.

Social Media: Twitter (@53_Across), Facebook


Music available on Spotify, Reverbnation, Soundcloud