SCOTT STEPHENSON aka COZMIC DEBRIS – Owner, On Air Personality
Coz has earned the reputation of having one of the best ears in the business for finding the best music available. Having spent most of his life in the music business as a performer, session player, composer, engineer, record buyer, blogger and now the voice of Music Mafia Radio. His years of experience and love for all different styles of music is the foundation for creating the best catalog of new and exciting music to be found anywhere.

Are you a fan of our social media campaigns? Do you love the graphics we use? You have nobody but Rose to thank for most of it. Her creative talents are behind the look and feel of Facebook, X and Instagram. Rose is also a true superfan of all the MMR featured artists and serves a Coz’s personal MMR encyclopedia, able to remember the smallest detail about an artist.

Organizational Pro & Talent Scout
Fiddy is the organizational heart of MMR. Those that know Coz well will understand the importance of that. She keeps Coz “in the know” about the latest artist news, and often knows about new music before he does. Fiddy also creates the awesome Top 30 and Top 20 graphics you see every week and helps Rose with our social media.